8 Haziran 2008 Pazar

Facebooktaki duyarlı büyük grup; Feed a Child with just a Click!

Facebookta yabancılar tarafından açılan ve insanları toplumsal duyarlılığa çağıran grup gün geçtikçe büyüyor. Biz Bu blogu yazarken üye sayısı 2 milyon 700 bin olan gruba her gün inanılmaz bir katılım söz konusu. Grubun amaçlarına ulaşmasını temenni ediyor ve sizin de gruba katılmanızı tavsiye ediyoruz.

Grup adresi; http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6324544002

Grup Detayları İngilizce olarak;

▓ WELCOME, to the World's Largest, most Widespread Group united against World Hunger. ▓

Fact: 24,000 people die every day from Hunger.
Fact: That includes 6.5 million children every year.
Fact: $1 a day can save a child's life.
Future: Help make it end in our lifetime, beginning now!


INVITE all your Friends to:
Start --> YOUR own Chain Reaction for Good.
Influence --> MORE free MEALS.
Create --> AWARENESS!

1 - Click "Join this Group".
2 - Click on "Invite People to Join" from below, right.
3 - Select All of your friends.
4 - Click on "Send invitation".
5 - Click on the links below every day to
Feed a Child with just a Click!

It's that simple.
======= FREE DONATION LINKS =======

≡ Our Free Donation site - Just Click once a Day≡
Thousands of meals have already been paid for, from this site!

≡ Free Donation Games : Rice, Flour & Water! ≡
http://www.freerice.com - Free Rice
http://www.freeflour.com - Free Flour
http://www.freepoverty.com - Free Water
Countless meals have been donated!

≡ Help Stop Hunger : Daily Free Meal Clicks! ≡
CLICK / VISIT each site, Once a Day
Countless children have been helped!

1 - http://children.care2.com/
2 - http://www.bhook.com/
3 - http://www.definition-of.com/
4 - http://www.savetheworldwithmusic.com/
5 - http://www.clickbokin.ekokoro.jp/50.html
6 - http://www.feedsa.co.za
7 - http://www.hungerfighters.com
8 - http://www.hungrychildren.com
9 - http://www.clickbokin.ekokoro.jp/floq.html
10 - http://www.OneClickOneMeal.com
11 - http://www.pajacyk.pl/
12 - http://www.porloschicos.com/PorLosChicos.NET/index_english.htm
13 - http://www.thehungersite.com
14 - http://www.youthnoise.com/page.php?page_id=2335
15 - http://www.okruszek.org.pl/
16 - http://www.chintai.net/contribution/index.html
17 - http://www.kct-uk.org/click/
18 - http://www.worldhunger.org/contributefood.htm
19 - http://www.spendu.org/beta/index.php

Free Donation Search : http://www.helpuu.com/

ALERT: Food Prices are rapidly rising around the World.
100 to 130 MILLION MORE people are going hungry.
18,000 Children die every day, and it's growing.

World Hunger: Interactive Map - Want to know more?

World Food Inequality: Want to know more?

A Thought : Imagine if your sister, brother, son, daughter, mother or father died from starvation.
....It's happening 24,000 times a day or 6.5 million children dying every year!
....Imagine helping them for free!

40,000 Meals Drive - 1 Month Target - Ends June!
Donate money now! A meal is just 25 cents! http://apps.facebook.com/causes/50723

Thank you : 2.7 million caring Members!
Together we are making a difference!

Start : A Free Donation Site, and we'll promote it!

Lets also make Google.Com a free donation click site!

Have faith in Good People.

Recent News

News : World Food Price inflation, the 'perfect storm' for hunger is happening right now! Millions more are going hungry! Riots are happening!

≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ This Group's Objective ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡

1. Every year, over $30 billion is made from the Internet because people Clicked! $1 billion of this, in our lifetime, will go to Charity (WFP) through Free Click Donation Sites!

Status: Awareness growing.

2. To expose World-wide Hunger, particulary Child Hunger, to the World.

Status: Between 5 and 6 million people invited/made aware. Over 2.7 million people have joined.

≡≡≡≡ So how does it all work!? ≡≡≡≡

You click on web pages which have advertisements.
Because you clicked and saw the ads, the advertisers pay money directed towards FREE FOOD!

http://www.worldofgood.com/sn/f <-- Just Click & up to
$25,000 will be donated to the World Food Programme, by this group! If 5 people click, 1 more meal gets paid.
Up to 100,000 meals! But we need you to first click!


When hunger contractions occur in the stomach, the person sometimes experiences mild pain in the pit of the stomach, called hunger pangs. Hunger pangs usually do not begin until 12 to 24 hours after the last ingestion of food, in starvation. A single hunger contraction lasts about 30 seconds, and pangs continue for around 30-45 minutes, then hunger subsides for around 30-150 minutes. Individual contractions are separated at first, but are almost continuous after a time.

Individuals experiencing starvation lose substantial fat and muscle mass as the body breaks down these tissues for energy. Catabolysis is the process (medical condition) of a body breaking down muscles and other tissues in order to keep vital systems (such as the nervous system and heart muscle) working.

≡≡≡≡≡≡ How do we end World Hunger? ≡≡≡≡≡≡

1. Exposure, exposure, exposure to enlighten.
2. Donations, donations, donations towards the poor.
3. Economic development, better policies, and enlightenment of everyone to develop sustainable societies for food production, all the way to grass-roots.
4. Organizations providing cheap food, off the market, to the WFP and other humanitarian organizations.
5. Awareness of what drives up food prices, and preventing this with alternative solutions.

These 5 steps will end World Hunger. But it takes work.

Make it happen now: http://www.poverty.com/internationalaid.html


≡≡≡≡≡≡ Save the Animals : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡≡

http://babyseals.care2.com/ - Save the Seals!
http://bigcats.care2.com/ - Save the Big Cats!
http://primates.care2.com/ - Save the Monkeys!
http://bigcats.care2.com/front.html?c=1&p=&iID= - Help Tigers!
http://bigcats.care2.com/front.html?c=2&p=&iID= - Help Jaguars!
http://bigcats.care2.com/front.html?c=3&p=&iID= - Help Leopards!
http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com - Feed Starving Animals!
http://pets.care2.com/ - Help Homeless Animals!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_species.html - Protect Wildlife!

≡≡≡≡≡≡ Help Education : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡≡

http://www.buildaschool.org - Help build a School!
http://www.e-inclusionsite.org/en/clickDonate.php - Promote IT!
http://www.theliteracysite.com - Free Books to the poor!
http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=education - Help Educate!

≡≡≡≡≡ Save the Environment : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡

http://stopglobalwarming.care2.com/ - Offset Carbon, Stop Warming!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_pol.html - Reduce Pollution!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_coastal.html - Save a Coast!
http://oceans.care2.com/ - Save the Dolphins!
http://www.therainforestsite.com - Protect Habitats!
http://www.clickforgreenland.com/_us/_en/home.aspx - Save Melting Greenland!
http://www.theenvironmentsite.org/donate.php - Help the Environment!
http://cannecy.free.fr/solar/index.php - Create Free Solar Energy!

≡≡≡≡≡ Help the Forests and Plants : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡

http://cannecy.free.fr/iforest/en/ - Plant an Oak!
http://www.diewaldseite.de/ - Help the Forests, from Germany!
http://www.ettklickforskogen.se/engelska/ettKlickeng.asp - Help Old Forests!
http://www.tree4life.com/ingles/ingles.htm - Plant a tree in Brazil!
http://www.landcareniagara.com/ - Plant a tree in Niagara!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_rainforest.html - Save the Amazon!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_us.html - Save the Wilderness!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/donate_plant_tree.html - Plant a Tree!
http://redjellyfish.com/ - Help the Rainforest!
http://rainforest.care2.com/ - Help our Rainforests!

≡≡≡≡≡≡ Promote Health : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡≡

http://breastcancer.care2.com - Prevent Breast Cancer!
http://matercare.org/lifesaver.asp - Help Surgery!
http://www.giveaminute.org/ - Give Healthcare!
http://www.thebreastcancersite.com - Stop Breast Cancer!
http://www.thechildhealthsite.com - Child Healthcare!
http://www.thestophivsite.com - Stop HIV/AIDS!
http://www.craigresearchlabs.com/cancer.html - Stop Cancer!

≡≡≡≡≡≡ Help Stop Poverty : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡≡

http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=food - Start a Crop!
http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=money - Help Finance the Poor!
http://www.povertyfighters.com - Help Raise Money!
http://www.solvepoverty.com - Help Jobs!
http://dsmith11.tripod.com - Help Health and Poverty!
http://www.accse.net/rasa/donacion-rasa.html - Help Agriculture!

≡≡≡≡≡≡ Promote Safety : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡≡

http://stopviolence.care2.com - Stop Violence against Women!
http://www.clearlandmines.com - Stop Land mines!

≡≡≡≡≡≡ Clean Water for All : Free Donation Clicks! ≡≡≡≡≡≡

http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=water - Give 6 days of clean water!
http://www.cliquesemiarido.org.br/eng/default.asp - Free Clean Water!

Discussion Board Notice:
-Please no spamming or foul advertisements.
-We do not limit free speech, but language that is foul or attacks a person, thing or group will be removed

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